Global Warming


Date: Jan. 7, 2008

Last night our family watched Al Gore's "Inconvenient Truth" about the critical, and imminent, threat of global warming. At one point in the documentary, Gore said he believed that how we deal with global warming is a "moral issue." I recently took that a step further during a talk at First Methodist Church in Wellington, Ohio. I said our energy gluttonous lifestyles in America are tremendously fueling global warming, which in turn is causing things like super-charged hurricanes, droughts and famine in more arid countries. In other words, people are dying now because of our wanting to hold onto our comfortable lifestyles here. I said this is no different than firing "slow motion bullets" at people around the world. And do we think that will be lost on God when he asks us Americans: "So, how'd you do with: Thou Shalt Not Kill?"
